
New York

Company Type


The Challenge

Before implementing the Procore to SharePoint integration, Holt Construction relied on an on-premises file server for project management and accounting. This setup required project management and accounting teams to access files through desktops and laptops, while field teams used Procore’s Documents tool on their phones and tablets. However, this system posed several challenges.

The main challenges were:

  1. Difficulty in ensuring that the operations team at the job site had access to the same information from any device.
  2. Superintendents needed to use a remote desktop or VPN to access project folders from a computer.
  3. Project managers and assistant PMs had to manage two different sets of documents.
  4. Office staff and accounting teams found Procore’s Documents tool less user-friendly compared to Windows Explorer.


Holt Construction aimed to streamline document access and management across their entire team. The specific objectives were:

  1. To provide seamless access to all project documents from any device, especially for field teams.
  2. To eliminate the need for remote desktop or VPN connections for accessing project files.
  3. To synchronize project documents across both Procore and SharePoint.
  4. To maintain a familiar interface for the office and accounting teams while ensuring consistency in document management.


Holt Construction discovered SyncEzy through a Procore consultant. After evaluating multiple options, they chose SyncEzy for its two-way synchronization capability between SharePoint and Procore, which allowed them to continue using familiar tools and interfaces.


The implementation process included:

  1. Consultation: Engaging with a Procore consultant to understand SyncEzy’s capabilities.
  2. Customization: Configuring the SyncEzy integration to meet Holt Construction’s specific requirements.
  3. Deployment: Implementing the integration to synchronize project documents between Procore and SharePoint.
  4. Training: Providing training to the office, accounting, and field teams to ensure effective use of the new system.


Since implementing SyncEzy’s Procore to SharePoint integration, Holt Construction has achieved several significant benefits:

  1. Improved Accessibility: Field teams can now access all necessary project documents directly from their tablets or phones without needing a remote desktop or VPN.
  2. Unified Document Management: Project managers no longer need to manage separate sets of documents, as all files are synchronized between Procore and SharePoint.
  3. Enhanced Usability: Office staff and accounting teams can interact with project folders using the familiar Windows Explorer interface, thanks to the SharePoint sync.
  4. Increased Efficiency: The integration has streamlined document access and management, reducing administrative burdens and ensuring consistency across all teams.

Nick Holt, Director at Holt Construction, highlighted the key advantage: “SyncEzy took care of those issues with the SharePoint sync with Procore, and then by syncing the SharePoint folder to desktops for the office team, they were able to use the Explorer interface to interact with the folder.”


The integration of Procore with SharePoint through SyncEzy has significantly improved Holt Construction’s document management processes. By enabling seamless access to up-to-date project documents from any device and integrating familiar interfaces, the company has enhanced efficiency and consistency across their office, corporate, and field teams. Nick Holt endorses the integration for its ability to ensure that all teams work with the same set of documents, underscoring its value in streamlining operations and improving productivity.

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