
New Zealand


Electrical Contracting


Before implementing the Simpro to QuickBooks Time integration, Hanlon Plumbing & Pipe Services faced challenges with their existing time recording processes:

  • Ineffective Time Recording: The company used a time recording app but found its functionality lacking, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Complex Back Costing: The process of getting time recording records and back costings into Simpro was cumbersome and time-consuming.


The primary objectives for Hanlon Plumbing & Pipe Services were to:

  • Simplify and streamline the time recording process.
  • Improve the efficiency of back costing into Simpro.
  • Enhance reporting capabilities for payroll purposes.


Hanlon Plumbing & Pipe Services turned to SyncEzy for their Simpro to QuickBooks Time integration. This solution aimed to automate and simplify the timekeeping process, ensuring seamless integration with Simpro for accurate back costing and payroll reporting.


The implementation process included:

  1. Integration Setup: Configuring the integration to ensure smooth data transfer between QuickBooks Time and Simpro.
  2. Customization: Tailoring the system to meet Hanlon Plumbing’s specific needs and required outputs.
  3. Support and Training: Providing professional and proactive support throughout the implementation, along with training for the team to maximise the benefits of the new system.


The integration of QuickBooks Time with Simpro delivered several key benefits for Hanlon Plumbing & Pipe Services:

  • Cost-Effective Timekeeping: The integration provided a reliable and efficient timekeeping app, reducing costs associated with manual data entry and errors.
  • Streamlined Back Costing: Automating the transfer of time records into Simpro significantly simplified the back costing process.
  • Enhanced Payroll Reporting: Improved reporting capabilities ensured accurate and timely payroll processing.

Leighton Murray emphasized the success of the integration, stating, “SyncEzy understood the software and our required outputs from the outset. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending the SyncEzy team for your integration.”

Client Testimonial

“The SyncEzy QuickBooks Time integration with Simpro was a success. SyncEzy understood the software and our required outputs from the outset. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending the SyncEzy team for your integration.”

Leighton Murray, Manager at Hanlon Plumbing


The Simpro to QuickBooks Time integration provided by SyncEzy has optimized the timekeeping and back costing processes at Hanlon Plumbing & Pipe Services. By automating these critical functions, the integration has enhanced operational efficiency and accuracy in payroll reporting. This case study showcases the significant impact that well-executed integration solutions can have on streamlining business operations and improving productivity in the plumbing and pipe services industry.

For companies experiencing similar challenges, SyncEzy’s integration solutions offer an effective means to enhance operational processes and achieve better business outcomes.

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