Introducing 30 Minute rounding in simPRO
30 Minute customizable Rounding in simPRO. This setting now available for all customers in SyncEzy allows you to bill your clients in 30 minute blocks in simPRO while maintaining per minute tracking in TSheets. When the time goes in to simPRO you have the option to choose Nearest, Round up or Round Down in the… Continue reading Introducing 30 Minute rounding in simPRO

Hari Iyer | SyncEzy
CEOThe cheque is in the mail !
The Cheque is in the mail! Cheque is in the mail Does that sound familiar ? If you are like most of our small business clients, you have a stack of money owing to you out in the market. I’m not talking about sunk money where the customer has gone walkabout or bankrupt. Hopefully… Continue reading The cheque is in the mail !

Hari Iyer | SyncEzy