
Ready to get started with the Procore to Google Drive integration?

Ready to get started with the Procore to Google Drive integration?

Have you read about our Procore to Google Drive integration and you’re ready to get started? We’ll run through the steps to getting started below but first, let’s look at some of the main benefits that our clients are finding in using the integration: The steps to getting started are: We’ve also recorded a short… Continue reading Ready to get started with the Procore to Google Drive integration?


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

August 23, 2021
New Integration: Procore to Google Drive

New Integration: Procore to Google Drive

We’re excited to announce that we’ve officially launched our Procore to Google Drive integration, a true time-saver for construction teams. Teams who are using Procore to manage their projects will love the automation that this integration can provide. By connecting Procore to Google Drive, construction teams now have an integration where they can: If you’re… Continue reading New Integration: Procore to Google Drive


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Procore to Google Drive Integration: Walkthrough

Procore to Google Drive Integration: Walkthrough

We’ve built the Procore to Google Drive integration for companies needing: In the following video, we’ll walk through some of the main benefits of the integration. Procore to Google Drive integration from SyncEzy on Vimeo.


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

August 2, 2021
Procore to Cloud Storage Integrations FAQs

Procore to Cloud Storage Integrations FAQs

Procore to Cloud Storage Integrations FAQs SyncEzy currently offers four powerful integrations between Procore and cloud storage apps. Our current Procore storage integrations include: To help our clients, we’d like to answer some of their top questions about integrating apps with Procore. Can I choose which Procore projects to syncs to my cloud storage account?… Continue reading Procore to Cloud Storage Integrations FAQs


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

June 7, 2021
Data migration alternatives

Data migration alternatives

Whenever you’re looking to change software or connect new software to your existing software, a big consideration is how you will handle the data you already stored in various places. Your office might have some team members using Dropbox and others using Google Drive whilst your operations team used Procore or simPRO to search for… Continue reading Data migration alternatives


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

February 8, 2021
Procore on iOS (Mac, iPhone and iPad)

Procore on iOS (Mac, iPhone and iPad)

In this article, we’ll discuss the current availability of Procore apps and add-ons on iOS. Procore iPhone & iPad Apps Procore as a native app is available through the Apple App Store for iPhones and iPads but is not available as a native app for Macs (on PCs, users can download native Procore Drive/Sync apps).… Continue reading Procore on iOS (Mac, iPhone and iPad)


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

July 1, 2020
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