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  • Automating Your Inspection Report Process
Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

  • Reading Icon 6 Min Read
  • Reading Icon Jan 10, 2022
Want to speed up your site audit process?

Would you like to automate your site audit process or your site checklist process? By connecting your field service software to your site audit and site inspection software, you can have forms, checklists and audits pre-populated with client data.

Current Audit Process

You only really see the inefficiency of this process when you look at how your team currently completes their process in iAuditor. The process is:

  • They open iAuditor and select the audit checklist they will be using on-site
  • They also open up simPRO or their field service app and look up client details
  • They copy & paste across the client name then the site address then other contacts then more & more information
Automated Audit Process

By syncing their field services software with their audit software, they can have new inspection audit templates pre-populated with client data from their field service app. This saves time on double-entry of information and also encourages field workers to complete audits because there is less back-and-forth getting the form started. Using our new simPRO to iAuditor integration, our clients have client information transferred from simPRO to iAuditor and then completed audits are synced back to simPRO as PDF attachments.

What audits and inspections can be automated?

Some examples of audits, inspections and checklists that can be pre-populated include:

  • Construction Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Checklist
  • Daily Pre-start Safety Inspection Checklist
  • Construction Site Cleaning Checklist
  • Take 5 Safety Checklist
  • PPE Checklist Template
  • Field Safety Walk Checklist
  • Construction Risk Assessment Form Checklist
  • Safety Inspection Report Checklist
  • COVID-19 Inspection Checklist
  • ISO 22000 Audit Checklist
Why you need to complete site safety checklists?

You’ve been in the same job for a long time. You’re experienced, confident and careful. And you should be – you don’t want to get hurt or cause an accident to your coworkers or anyone else. In construction, as an example, the work is dangerous, complicated (and not only because of tools). There are a lot of things that can go wrong and an enormous number of ways you can get hurt. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably got a checklist in your mind (or maybe even written down) of the critical stuff to look out for while you work. You may also have experienced situations where someone else has missed something or forgotten about it – and you felt the need to point it out.

But what do you really know about job site checklist? And are your checklist effective at keeping construction workers safe? We’re going to take a look at some of the reasons why you should use job site checklist for safety, how to write them and how to gain more control over your work environment.

Do you really need safety checklists on job sites?

A checklist is a list of things you need to complete. When you begin work on any given project, it’s important that you understand what your objectives are and how well you’re achieving them. That’s where the checklist comes in. It reminds you of what needs to be done by when, and whether or not you’ve done it. A checklist can be used for pretty much anything and they help us remember what needs to be done, what has already been completed and keep track of our progress.

So how do checklists on job sites contribute to safety? Firstly, you’re more likely to complete everything on your list if it’s in front of you. There’s nothing more frustrating than getting halfway through the checklist and realizing there’s something else that needs to be done.

Job site checklist are often used as a “standard operating procedure” (SOP) for how specific tasks should be completed. Some examples of these could include: power tools checklist, work zone traffic control checklist, etc. It is generally agreed upon by the workers on the job site what standards or checklist will be used.

It is important that the checklist does not slow down or decrease productivity on the job site. It should also be an efficient use of time; i.e., completing each checklist step to ensure safety, but without wasting time because the checklist takes too long to complete. This would defeat the purpose of using it in the first place; to increase safety and improve efficiency.

There are many different checklist formats that can be used on job sites. One of the most widely-used checklist is a standard checklist, which typically has a list of items and checkboxes for whether or not each item was completed. As you can see in this example of construction safety checklist, the checklist items (tasks) are listed and each item is marked as either complete or incomplete. You can also use a checklist with text boxes in which you write your name next to each checklist task that was completed.

How do you write a safety checklist?

First, it’s important to know what needs to be done. Make a checklist of everything that must be completed for a particular safety task to be completed. This could include, for example: daily inspection checklist, confined space checklist , etc. Once you’ve written out all the steps, make sure they are in the right order – from least important or time-consuming to most important or time-consuming. Once this is completed, make sure your checklist [tasks] are simple and clear to follow. Using checklists with more than 10 steps (tasks) could cause confusion on the job site and result in possible injury or an accident.

Finally, once you’ve created a checklist that is easy to understand and complete, train your employees what checklist they will need to complete before starting their workdays. Ensure that each employee understands the checklist completely and is comfortable with completing it.

Lastly, try to have different people (or groups of people) complete checklist at different times of the day. This helps minimize any mistakes in checklist completion, making sure everything has been done on time.

Why pre-filling audits and inspection templates works?

By eliminating data entry and starting the process for employees, having a pre-filled inspection template increases the checklist completion rate for employees and makes your whole workplace safer. Get in touch with a member fo our team today to discuss whether automating your audit process will bring benefits to your business.


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy
Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Hari Iyer is the Founder and CEO of SyncEzy, a pioneering company at the forefront of data integration and automation solutions. With a deep understanding of the power of technology and a passion for solving complex business challenges, Hari has emerged as a visionary leader in the industry. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to delivering tangible results have earned SyncEzy a loyal global clientele.

He is not only a successful entrepreneur but also an active contributor to the technology community, sharing his insights through thought leadership articles, speaking engagements, and mentorship programs. Hari’s ability to navigate the complexities of remote work serves as an inspiration for leaders, highlighting the importance of flexibility, work-life balance, and a results-oriented approach in today’s evolving work landscape.

Under his guidance, SyncEzy has gained widespread recognition for its deep integration solutions that seamlessly connect software applications, eliminate data silos, and enhance operational efficiency.

When not working, Hari is trying to be a better father, reading tech news, playing FPS games, and not exercising as he should.