Hari Iyer | SyncEzy
CEO- 1 Min Read
- Sep 14, 2021
Really excited to launch the release of our latest integration PropertyMe to Servicem8 integration in the Servicem8 Addons store.
Any ServiceM8 companies that get regular work from real estate agents can now enjoy a seamless transfer of data from PropertyMe to ServiceM8. Depending on their business more, the Real estate agent can choose to send all of their properties to ServiceM8 or only selected properties with a label : like : SmokeAlarm, Annual Inspection, Safety Subscription etc..
To see the addon in the ServiceM8 addon store, login to your serviceM8 account and search for PropertyMe or SyncEzy.
Check us out on the ServiceM8 Addon Directory : https://go.servicem8.com/addon-directory?search=propertyme