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  • Boosting Project Efficiency: Why SyncEzy Recommends simPRO and SharePoint Integration
Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

  • Reading Icon 2 Min Read
  • Reading Icon Oct 10, 2023
Simpro Sharepoint Blog

Efficiency is crucial in project management, especially when using simPRO. Integrating simPRO with SharePoint offers numerous benefits that can enhance your workflow:

1. Streamlined Access with Office 365:

Easily access your project files and folders through SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, and the entire Office 365 suite. This integration simplifies collaboration and document retrieval.

2. Local Editing Made Simple: 

Edit your project files locally with ease. Whether you’re using Bluebeam, CAD, Excel, PDF markup tools, or other applications, SharePoint makes local editing straightforward.

3. Efficiency Through Direct Editing: 

Forget the inconvenience of downloading and uploading documents repeatedly. With simPRO and SharePoint integration, you can open and edit files directly, saving time and effort.

4. Real-time Collaborative Work: 

Collaborate seamlessly with multiple team members, whether online or offline. Make edits concurrently, share insights, and boost productivity in real time.

5. Handling Large Files:

Don’t be restricted by simPRO’s 70 MB limit. SharePoint allows you to store and manage files greater than 70 MB, eliminating size constraints.

6. Data Ownership and Backup:

Ensure control and maintain a full backup of your data on local machines. This is crucial for ISO compliance and future migrations.

In summary, integrating simPRO with SharePoint is a strategic move for companies looking to excel in project management. It improves accessibility, simplifies editing, fosters collaboration, accommodates large files, and secures your data. SyncEzy highly recommends this integration for optimizing project efficiency.


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy
Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Hari Iyer is the Founder and CEO of SyncEzy, a pioneering company at the forefront of data integration and automation solutions. With a deep understanding of the power of technology and a passion for solving complex business challenges, Hari has emerged as a visionary leader in the industry. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to delivering tangible results have earned SyncEzy a loyal global clientele.

He is not only a successful entrepreneur but also an active contributor to the technology community, sharing his insights through thought leadership articles, speaking engagements, and mentorship programs. Hari’s ability to navigate the complexities of remote work serves as an inspiration for leaders, highlighting the importance of flexibility, work-life balance, and a results-oriented approach in today’s evolving work landscape.

Under his guidance, SyncEzy has gained widespread recognition for its deep integration solutions that seamlessly connect software applications, eliminate data silos, and enhance operational efficiency.

When not working, Hari is trying to be a better father, reading tech news, playing FPS games, and not exercising as he should.