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  • 5 Reasons to Use Zoho CRM Plus with simPRO for Better Sales Management
Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

  • Reading Icon 3 Min Read
  • Reading Icon May 14, 2019

Take your Sales Management to the next level by integrating your simPRO software with Zoho CRM Plus.  Connect with your leads and your customers easily and send your conversion rates through the roof!

#1 Unmatched Visibility into Opportunities

When simPRO in integrated with Zoho CRM, every simPRO quote is reflected in Zoho as an Opportunity, ready for follow-up and Sales Management. You have Zoho’s extensive and intelligent Sales Pipeline Management and Automation system at your disposal to close more deals and convert those simPRO Quotes to simPRO Jobs!

#2 Take Action on Opportunities

Take advantage of Zoho activities to follow up Opportunities and push them through your Sales Pipeline.  Send emails, record phone calls and set repeat call reminders, book meetings and more, within the CRM.  You can also use Zoho Campaign for intelligent, personal, automated lead nurture email campaigns that complement the work of your Sales team.

#3 Superior Management Reporting

As your sales team log emails & calls, record activities & work opportunities, Zoho records everything. Zoho Analytics turns this data into intelligent, easy to ready dashboards that you can use to monitor the performance of your Sales Team, and to motivate! Use your Sales Pipeline Reporting Dashboards to measure, forecast and improve your business.

#4 Eliminate leads slipping through the cracks

Every lead gets followed-up with Zoho CRM thanks to customisable Lead Assignment rules, intelligent task triggers and reminders, process enforcement with Blueprints and email automation with Workflows. No contact forgotten, no lost revenue.

#5 Multi-channel Customer Engagement with SalesSignals

Every customer is different. If you want to have meaningful interactions with them, you have to know more than their basic information.  How are they engaging with your site?  Do they respond to your email marketing campaigns? What are they saying about you on social media?  SalesSignals in Zoho CRM gives you the real-time analytics and notifications you need to reach out to every customer.  Gain an understanding of where you stand with the customer, so your team can have conversations with context. SalesSignals sends you real-time notifications when a customer interacts with you or your company on social media, so you can respond right away.

Get the best of both worlds! Power Job Management in simPRO + World Class CRM in ZOHO – with SyncEzy!


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy
Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Hari Iyer is the Founder and CEO of SyncEzy, a pioneering company at the forefront of data integration and automation solutions. With a deep understanding of the power of technology and a passion for solving complex business challenges, Hari has emerged as a visionary leader in the industry. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to delivering tangible results have earned SyncEzy a loyal global clientele.

He is not only a successful entrepreneur but also an active contributor to the technology community, sharing his insights through thought leadership articles, speaking engagements, and mentorship programs. Hari’s ability to navigate the complexities of remote work serves as an inspiration for leaders, highlighting the importance of flexibility, work-life balance, and a results-oriented approach in today’s evolving work landscape.

Under his guidance, SyncEzy has gained widespread recognition for its deep integration solutions that seamlessly connect software applications, eliminate data silos, and enhance operational efficiency.

When not working, Hari is trying to be a better father, reading tech news, playing FPS games, and not exercising as he should.