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  • Do you use simPRO and Xero Payroll ?
Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

  • Reading Icon 3 Min Read
  • Reading Icon Jan 23, 2018
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Look closely the next time your payroll staff and accounting team do the weekly payroll. Is this the busiest part of their week? Busiest and most important since the entire company is counting on them to do their counting right!

If your accounting team is anything like the accounting teams we have encountered, they isolate themselves and knuckle down in order to get things right. A common experience for us would be if we call them on this “Payroll Day” they are not reachable because nothing’s more important and they can’t afford to be distracted. Certainly can’t afford any mistakes!

Well it’s understandable, when you’re counting beans you can’t afford to lose count, orelse you have to start all over again and god forbid if you make a mistake – it’s going to affect so many people.

Just think of the process now – it’s broken and disjointed on so many levels

We find many companies still relying on paper timesheets, or printing a timesheet report out of simPRO and with a pen / paper and a trusty casio calculator doing the calculations of split time groups by hand manually, just like the previous generation might have done over 50 years ago.  Or if they are a little modern they might use a mixture of Google Forms, Excel and other disparate tools to put together a fragile and inefficient system.


Well we thought we’d fix this once and for all for our customers using simPRO!

We are proud to announce that we are now doing private trials with simPRO customers using Xero to connect simPRO with Xero payroll.

This will allow payroll accounting to happen in minutes rather than the hours it takes now.

Contact us to learn more about how this payroll automation integration can help you connect your two most important applications together.

We can automatically calculate OT, different EBAs, different allowances based on personal profile and hours worked, various miscellaneous allowances and more.

While we can’t promise we can cover every single EBA or payroll situation out there, we can cover a large majority of them.  For those that have special EBAs and complex payroll we have other solutions as well.

Do you run simPRO with Xero Payroll internally? Are you facing difficulties and sick of doing all these calculations manually?

You’ve come to the right place, we’re here to help. Reach out to us below and we’ll be in touch in 24 hours so we can go through your payroll conditions and special clauses.

> Update 2021

Your requests have been answered ????  We have now built and released the simPRO to Xero payroll integration 

You can finally do your payroll in minutes, Paydays can be fun days for accountants too.


Hari Iyer | SyncEzy
Hari Iyer | SyncEzy

Hari Iyer is the Founder and CEO of SyncEzy, a pioneering company at the forefront of data integration and automation solutions. With a deep understanding of the power of technology and a passion for solving complex business challenges, Hari has emerged as a visionary leader in the industry. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to delivering tangible results have earned SyncEzy a loyal global clientele.

He is not only a successful entrepreneur but also an active contributor to the technology community, sharing his insights through thought leadership articles, speaking engagements, and mentorship programs. Hari’s ability to navigate the complexities of remote work serves as an inspiration for leaders, highlighting the importance of flexibility, work-life balance, and a results-oriented approach in today’s evolving work landscape.

Under his guidance, SyncEzy has gained widespread recognition for its deep integration solutions that seamlessly connect software applications, eliminate data silos, and enhance operational efficiency.

When not working, Hari is trying to be a better father, reading tech news, playing FPS games, and not exercising as he should.